Sahbhagee – Sharing the practices and reaching to the larger community of teachers
Sahbhagee is a semi-annual newsletter that seeks to share the experiences of TEP research with the larger community of teachers in Phagi block. This newsletter was conceptualized to reach to a larger mass of teachers, other than the participant teachers, in order to acquaint them with some of the experiences and practices in the on-going research and to also generate curiosity in them towards action research. The issue covers a wide range of articles from teachers' experience with Digatar’s last program in the block, conceptualization of the TEP, teachers' empowerment and question of autonomy of teachers; meanwhile provides a glimpse of the milestones covered by the program uptil now.
TEP Resource Centre
Teacher empowerment program has established a resource center in the Phagi office which is available to all engaged with the program and working in the field of education at block. The library has been enriched with the arrival of different books on research, learning community, reflection and education journals. Selected books from the resource center had been displayed during PGM and workshops to provide a glimpse of available resource at the center, which motivated participants for reading various books, magazines, journals from resource center.