TARU Engagements

Certificate Programme in the Foundations of Education: The programme is organized every year in order to initiate a dialogue on education by grounding itself in the foundational areas of education. The workshop core areas included philosophical and sociological perspectives on education, psychological perspectives on human learning, human understanding and curriculum, nature and pedagogy of school subjects and other areas related to the field of education like assessment and research. Four workshops of ten days each are held and course materials are provided both in English as well as Hindi for the participants.

Summer Orientation Workshops: The programme is especially designed for practitioners in the field of education. It provides an opportunity to combine theory and practice through a systematic analysis of and reflection on their experiences with the help of cumulative theoretical perspectives. The workshop areas include Action Research, Children's literature, Subject areas such as Science and Maths, Teaching Portfolio and Theory and practice in school. Six workshops of 3 days each are held and course materials are provided both in English as well as Hindi for the participants.